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  • Madhushree Saragam

Why not to DIY Social Media Content

Your social media content is capable of transforming your business into a recognizable brand and converting your viewers into fans.

It is therefore important for young companies to decide and invest wisely to gain maximum reach on social media networks.

Grab your notebooks and pens to note down a few essentials as we take you through this SOCIAL MEDIA CONTENT guide.


  • Social media content

  • Why DIY social media content is not recommended for a growing business

  • Cost V/s Value in DIY social media content

  • Final Thoughts

Social Media Content and its impact!

What is social media content?

Individuals and businesses create content for social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Businesses are engaged in these platforms because they allow for far more direct communication with customers than traditional marketing methods.

Why is creating fresh and consistent social media content necessary?

Social media is fast-paced, and content easily becomes stale. That is the primary reason why posting daily is so important. So, if you go days without posting, your audience is unlikely to see your message often enough for it to be remembered and have an effect. Moreover, if your content isn’t fresh and unique there’s a high possibility that it will go unnoticed.

It is therefore so essential to post regularly and ensure your content is engaging, new, and crisp. You’ll be ahead of the curve if you use this cheat sheet of FRESH & CONSISTENT content suggestions.

Why DIY social media content is not recommended for a growing business

How to choose between DIY Content Creation and Hiring professional teams for Social media content? It is, after all, a well-considered choice. If you have the money to spend, but not the time to do so yourself, hiring a social media firm to partner for you is the safest choice, else DIY is your only go-to alternative.

So, before you land on any particular decision have a look at why it isn’t advisable to create your content for Social Media.

#1. Inconsistency within platforms and media types

If your company uses various social networking sites, such as Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter, your posts shouldn’t be identical but your approach and message should be consistent and clear. The issue with brand inconsistencies is that it causes consumer frustration. A potential customer cannot build real brand loyalty if they do not recognize your company’s voice and vision.

#2. Lack of fresh ideas

Millions of people and companies around the social media globe post every other second. If your content isn’t fresh and consistent, there’s a high possibility that it will get piled up among other posts. And when you have to post consistently, it’s difficult to come up with crisp content ideas every day, especially if you aren’t a content expert. However, it is absolutely essential to provide users with fresh content that keeps them informed, which will increase their likelihood of engaging with your content—and possibly becoming a customer.

#3. Limitation of time, resources, and skills

It is quite a challenge to create valuable content when you have a limited amount of time, resources, and skills.

It takes time to master new tools and to get in sync with the techniques to do something outside of your expertise bubble. Furthermore, if you are not updated with the different social media sites, trends, and hashtags that will boost the performance of your post, your efforts will be equal to nought. Ideation, creation, customization, and the various phases involved in content creation are time-consuming and a job best suited for someone well-versed in it. Not to forget the quality of your blogs. Mediocre Content will have an adverse effect on your social media.

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